ALOELAB Even-Skin Aloe 10% Lactic Acid Peeling Night Serum

Original price was: USD 9.50.Current price is: USD 8.60.

You Save! USD 0.90

Lactic Acid is an alpha hydroxy acid that exfoliates the skin. This 10% formulation offers mild exfoliation, this product is a great mix of Aloe with lactic acid and hyaluronic acid, which gives you an even smooth skin tone.

We’ve all heard about Cleopatra and her milk baths, but did you know why she used to have them? Because of the lactic acid found in the milk, which is very good for the skin!

Apply the serum at night and it will peel your skin, resulting in even, smooth and clear skin.

4 in stock

ALOELAB Even-Skin Aloe 10% Lactic Acid Peeling Night Serum

4 in stock