ALOELAB Fresh-Skin Aloe Facial Scrub

Original price was: USD 6.50.Current price is: USD 5.90.

You Save! USD 0.60

  • Ingredients: Pure Aloe Vera oil – pure Beeswax – olive oil from our organic olive trees infused with fresh Aloe Vera leaves – Minced brown sugar – Minced brown rice – fresh turmeric extract – pure Lavender essential oil.
  • Suggested Use: Twice per week, in the evening, apply it on your face, scrub very gently, rub it in circular motions over your face excluding around the eyes and keep it for ten minutes. Then wash with warm, not hot, water.A little goes a long way – apply only a pea-sized amount at a time.
  • Results: It removes skin impurities, blackheads, dead skin cells, and excess oil and results in radiant, smooth skin.

5 in stock

ALOELAB Fresh-Skin Aloe Facial Scrub

5 in stock